Friday, August 30, 2013

Dana Gioia on Chekhov

Please read the article here.

Do not be surprised if you find it's written for a college level audience. Nonetheless, it also contains some ideas that you CAN manage, given sufficient effort.

In order to find some main ideas, read carefully and copy down (in your notebook) the sentences (or even parts of a sentence) that you think are important. Look for perhaps five or six ideas that you DO understand...don't worry about other ideas that you don't get.

Here are some questions that might help you. If you look for the answers to these questions in the essay, you may move in the direction of the important points.

1. Why is Chekhov considered an innovative artist, that is someone who altered his art form?

2. How do we know that Chekhov is considered an influential artist, someone who other artists admire so much they imitate some of his work?

3. This article is mainly about another story (The Lady with the Pet Dog), but it relates directly to Gooseberries. How so?

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